Why Choose Arc Hospital ?

Exceptional care without exception

Dr Pavan urologist with wide range of expertise, provide treatment for urinary disorders of the male and female urinary tracts, as well as conditions of the male genital tract or reproductive system. Has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating Kidney Stones, Prostate Enlargement, Prostate Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Bladder Cancer and Incontinence, male infertility and Erectile Dysfunction – Impotence.

Dr Sindhu Nephrologist focuses on ensuring the normal functioning of kidneys by treating conditions that hinder its processes. With extensive grip and knowledge on the subject she offers comprehensive care to patients suffering from spectrum of acute and chronic kidney diseses, proteinuria,congenital kidney disorders, kidney failure due to diabetes or hypertension,Renal Transplant, hypertension and complicated hyprertension which is not releived despite taking medications.

Arc hospital also has sophisticated Laser technology to perform Non Invasive i.e painless, bloodless and no cut surgery to remove kidney stones.
At ARC you will get the care you need and the compassion you desreve!